UCC’s Declaration of Utah Human Rights
The Utah Citizens’ Counsel (UCC) recognizes dignity and respect as the foundation of freedom, justice, and shared responsibility. Inspired by the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UCC presents this statement of rights as the basis for its policy positions.
Article 1
All Utahns, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender and gender identity, language, disability, political preference, age, birth status, military status, or another status, are entitled equally to dignity and respect as human beings and to equitable treatment under the law.
Article 2
All Utahns, young and old, have the right to live and thrive in a healthy environment that includes clean air, land, and water, and share in the responsibility to pass that healthy environment on to succeeding generations.
Article 3
All Utahns have the right to a public education that ensures literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, character development, and the capability for responsible citizenship to help secure a promising future for Utah and the United States in a complex, interdependent, and competitive world.
Article 4
All Utahns have the right to comprehensive, quality health care at reasonable cost, and responsible societal efforts to help them achieve and maintain optimal well-being, with appropriate initiatives that encourage and facilitate healthy living and the prevention of disease, disability, and injury.
Article 5
All Utahns have the right to security of person, especially freedom from physical harm and psychological abuse, whether experienced within the family or in the community at large.
Article 6
All Utahns have the right to the fundamental social support systems that assist in assuring a standard of living adequate for the well-being of both the individual and families, in all their configurations, including timely assistance in case of unemployment, disability, old age, and natural or man-made disasters.
Article 7
All Utahns have the right to transparent and ethical governance as well as effective participation in the democratic process.