Letter to Governor Herbert on Immigration
The Honorable Gary Herbert
Governor of the State of Utah
P. O. Box 143310
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Dear Governor Herbert,
We, the undersigned members of the Utah Citizens’ Counsel, write to you regarding the infamous “List of 1300”. We were shocked with the news that this list had been released to a variety of federal, state and media agencies.
Thanks to you and the Workforce Services administrators for quickly investigating and uncovering the source of this serious breach of confidentiality.
This action has put the privacy status of all Utahns in a threatened position. When private information is compromised, every citizen must be concerned. The potential for identity fraud and other serious crimes is of great concern. The future trust of government process is at risk.
The tranquility in all segments of our society has been seriously disturbed. The angry and sometimes hateful rhetoric has risen perceptibly; especially as elected officials talk about future Utah immigration laws.
We call on you, Governor Herbert, to show the statesmanship we know you possess and “still these troubled waters” by keeping the present process transparent and by bringing the full weight of State law to bear upon those responsible.
Sincerely and respectfully yours,
Members of the Utah Citizens’ Counsel:
Robert Archuleta
Genevieve Atwood (emeritus)
Aileen Clyde
Gale Dick
Irene Fisher
David R. Irvine
Boyer Jarvis
Chase Peterson
Grethe Peterson
J. Bonner Richie
Dee Rowland
Karl N. Snow Jr.
Emma Lou Thayne
Raymond Uno (emeritus)
Olene Smith Walker